Our college is moving to a brand-spanking new building soon and the expectation is that we will all, suddenly, be able to change the habits of a lifetime of teaching and
become paper-free over night! To that end we anticipate there will be no staff noticeboard to share messages or information on and a debate has raged (well, quietly bubbled along - we're not savages) about what we can do in place of this.
Thanks must therefore go to
Sandy Millin whose blog introduced me to the concept of lino-it - an online noticeboard with the capability to stick post-its, photos, videos and documents up on it for all or a select few to see. Click the pic to be taken to the website.

This is just a representation of what I started with, as the staff want their noticeboard to stay private, but I can honestly say that within 20 minutes we had very little noticeboard left to play with. And play they did. We are talking about a staff room where the IT literacy and usage is average but no higher, and enthusing staff about new technology is not easy. But they were very excited about this website and we had a spontaneous outpouring of ideas of teaching uses.
This for me is the first little success in what I hope is a new enthusiasm for IT in my department. I'm very grateful so far to all the Twitter users on #eltchat who have such inspiring ideas and who seem to have a psychic ability to find all these online resources before the rest of us have realised it exists.
Hi Dru,
ReplyDeleteHappy to have been able to help in some small way! I first found out about lino-it when people were creating 'walls' to send birthday wishes. It is such a fun way to share information.
Good luck with settling in to the new office!
Hi Sandy,
ReplyDeleteIt's great to have energised a whole department with one simple tool and I'm really grateful to all the ELT chatters for their fab insights and suggestions. Thanks for the support. ;-)